
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Focaccia from Bari

 a snack for excellence in Bari. There is not a time of day where you just eat more, in fact bakeries of the city is ready right from the first morning and the smell that emanates spreads on the street. The flatbread Bari is the snack for excellence in the Apulian city, is used to replace lunch or dinner but you eat at any other time of the day, "whim" and it is not uncommon to meet people who quietly savor the street,  The boys bring to school, wrapped in oiled paper, to have a snack during the break or when marinating lessons. It leads to the beach and becomes the meal of a long day at the beach under an umbrella. And 'the meal is consumed during the football games seen in the company of friends, together, in this case the inevitable mortadella. In short, from early morning until late evening accompanies  the day of Bari. It 'hard to describe every taste sensation that conveys  Bari, the only way to understand what I'm saying is get into a bakery to buy freshly baked


  • 300 gr. wheat flour type
  • 200 gr. durum wheat semolina
  • 100 gr. potatoes
  • 200 gr. yeast
  • 50 ml. extra virgin olive oil
  • 300/350 ml. water for kneading
  • 400 gr. cherry tomatoes to flavor
  • 20 Baresane olives in brine to season
  • oregano to taste for seasoning
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste for seasoning
  • salt for seasoning


  1. To prepare the cake in Bari, started by boiling a potato in boiling water, then mash with a potato masher Then pour the wheat flour  and the durum wheat semolina in the bowl of a planetary. If you do not have a planet, pour into a bowl and then knead by hand.
  2. Also add the mashed potatoes, salt and yeast in a single piece of 200 gr. (Grab it at your local baker of trust. Remember that the yeast must be refreshed at least 4 hours).
  3. Stir in a little water and the planetary driven at low speed, adding the rest of the water flush. If you find that you work in a hot environment, we recommend adding the water very cold, otherwise it will have to be at room temperature. Finally add the oil, which will serve to give elasticity and crunchiness to the product.
  4. After the first 5 minutes increased the speed of the mixer and continue to knead for 15 minutes: have to work the dough until it comes away from the bowl well and be completely smooth and elastic, that is when it will start to "crackle" noise that makes the ' when dough is filled with bubbles and is processed quickly.
  5. If you find it hard to detach the dough from the bowl, you can add a pinch of flour to the edges of the bowl of the planetary to facilitate the operation. Be careful not to add too much flour to prevent the dough harden too.
  6. Once the dough is ready, separate it from the hook. Oiled the working plane, which must not be of wood otherwise the oil will leave an indelible stain, and placed the mixture, turning to oil it from both sides. Knead just enough to form two balls about 400 gr. each.
  7. Take a medium sized tray and oil it, using a brush to sprinkle the oil better. It 'important that the tray is not too large to ensure that the two forms of dough are close. The close proximity, in fact, will allow it to grow better. Then placed the balls of dough in oiled tray.
  8. This is the leavening phase: let the mixture at room temperature, without cover, for about 8-12 hours. If you find yourself in an environment that exceeds 20 °, your dough will rise in 8 hours, if, instead, your environment will be between 15 and 20 ° it may take up to 12 hours. After this time you will notice that your dough will be leavened and has formed a light crust on the surface.
  9. To find out if the dough has risen properly and is not collapsed, you will need to do a test: the surface of the dough lightly crushed with a finger, the dough will have to return to the original shape because sufficiently elastic.
  10. Now that your dough is ready, you can stretch out  Take a baking dish with a diameter of 32 cm and oil by spreading the oil all over the pan with your hands or a brush. Lie down a ball of dough in the center, turning it over to oil it from both sides, and flattened the dough with your fingers to spread it out to cover the entire surface of the pan.
  11. Once you spread the dough, break the tomatoes in half with your hands to drain all the juice and seeds and place face down, until it fills the entire surface  Now put the olives, oiled again, add a pinch of salt and dried oregano.
  12. Bake  in oven (or fan), preheated at full power for 20-25 minutes. The ideal would be 270 degrees, but if your oven does not reach this temperature just set it to maximum power, usually 250 °. If you have access to a baking stone, place it on the bottom shelf of the oven and preheat for at least 40 minutes.
  13. Once baked, it will be crisp and about 1-1.5 cm high.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Canapes with smoked salmon

The salmon canapes are the appetizer for excellence of the new year eve party, with a little imagination you can make this dish really special.


  • 6 slices   bread or bagle crackers
  • cream cheese or butter to taste
  • smoked salmon
  • 6 cherry tomateos
  • 4 pitted black olives
  • 1   parsley


  1. Half the slices of sandwich bread and spread them with butter or cream cheese
  2. Take the slices of smoked salmon and lay them on top of the slices of buttered bread.
  3. Half  the tomatoes vertically giving also an incision with a knife (see photo).
  4. Cut into 4 pieces 3 black olives, giving a vertical cut and then horizontally to mimic the heads of ladybugs.
  5. The oil remaining crumble because you will need to create the spots on the backs of ladybugs.
  6. Put a leaf of parsley on slices of salmon and then compose the ladybugs  over the canapes (see photo).
  7. Keep in frigate

Friday, December 27, 2013

Baked eel

The 'baked eel is a classic dish of Christmas Eve dinner on the table of Bari. Is not difficult to prepare and at the same time you will have on the table one of the most typical dishes of traditional and original Christmas.


  • 3 eels
  • 6 bay leaves 
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • salt to taste


  1. Clean the eels,
    wash and cut into pieces of six / seven centimeters.
  2. Arrange the pieces in a baking dish and add a little olive oil, salt and bay leaves between inserting a piece of fish and other things.
  3. Alternatively, you can cut the pieces a little smaller and make the skewers, alternating a piece of fish and a bay leaf.
  4. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake for about 45 minutes.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

best recipes/mommy on a mission: Turnip stew

best recipes/mommy on a mission: Turnip stew: The rapni greens are a boundary that is defined poor, but only in the cost of ingredients, this dish is rich in flavor and full of useful su...

Turnip stew

The rapni greens are a boundary that is defined poor, but only in the cost of ingredients, this dish is rich in flavor and full of useful substances for the body.


  • 2 bundles of rapni 
  • 100 ml. extra virgin olive oil
  • salt to taste
  • dried chilli to taste    ,,,,optional


  1. Peel the  taking Turnip only the tender leaves and tops, wash well and put in a pot large enough.
  2. Add water to fill half the pot and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Drain the to Turnip clear the water that will become very bitter.
  4. Put the  Turnip in a pot and add 1 cup of water, oil, salt and pepper (or pepper if you prefer), close with a lid and cook over medium heat for another 45 minutes.
  5. Occasionally stir with a wooden spoon and check that the water has evaporated, if it is the case  add a bit.
  6. When cooked, put the tops of  braised Turnip
    in a serving dish and serve.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sausage and lentils

The pork sausage with lentils is a typical dish of the menu of the Christmas holidays, and especially the New Year's Eve because tradition has it that eating a piece of sausage before midnight, is a good omen for the new year and, in Bari, it is said that the lentils "bring money". Is it true? For good luck rather eat a spoon.
1 sausage
  • 300 gr. dried lentils
  • 1 peeled tomatoes
  • 2 ribs of celery
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


    1. Put the sausage to cook in a pot of water, follow the instructions on the package if you use a pre-cooked sausage.
    2. Put the lentils in a saucepan with the peeled tomateo, the garlic cloves, the celery ribs and plenty of water and let simmer for about 1 hour checking from time to time because they absorb a lot of water and you'll have to add it from time to occasionally with a glass.
    3. Once even the sausage is ready, 
      the rind and cut into thick slices about 1.5 cm.
    4. Picked up the cooked lentils and arrange on a serving platter, lay the slices of sausage on the lentils and serve your sausage with lentils hot.

    Tuesday, December 24, 2013

    Artichokes fried in batter

    With fried artichokes can make a side dish (or main course) delicious and very tasty, the preparation really quick and easy



    1. Clean the artichokes, remove the outer leaves, cut the tips.
    2. Divide the artichokes in half and cut into six or eight parts in wedges or slices, with the tip of the knife removed the beard inside.
    3. Put the artichokes in a plastic cup with water and lemon juice so they do not blacken. Beat two eggs separately, soak the pieces of artichokes after they are well drained pass them in the flour.
    4. Bring to a boil the oil and fry the artichokes until they are golden brown. Let them drain on paper towels, season with salt and serve hot. There are several variations to this recipe.
    5. The artichokes are fried just floured, or a batter with beaten egg whites. In any case for obtaining a good result it is essential to use very fresh artichokes.

    Monday, December 23, 2013

    Calamari and shrimp breaded and fried

    The mixed fried calamari and shrimp is a classic main course of sea, prepared and eaten in our entire peninsula both in summer and winter, the fish fry is a dish that is often evergreen proposal during the Christmas holidays enjoying great success in all age groups


    • 500 gr. squid
    • 500 gr.  shrimp
    • flour as needed
    • oil for frying


    1. Clean the squid by removing the skin,rinse the parts.
    2. Clean the shrimp
    3. Drain and dry the fish well with paper towels, then take the squid and cut into rings of width of about 1 cm.
    4. Flour carefully all the fish and fry in hot oil until completely browned (at least 4-5 minutes for frying) then drain well and lay them on paper towels to make sure that the excess oil is absorbed.
    5. Serve the fried mixed hot.

    Sunday, December 22, 2013

    Coffee Liqueur

    Coffee Liqueur
    750 ml  liquid coffee
  • 500 gr. Sugar
  • 300 cl. alcohol at 90
  •  tip expresso coffee


    1. Prepare the coffee
    2. Let simmer in a pot coffee and sugar for about 60 minutes over very low heat, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar, then leave to cool.
    3. We add alcohol and we pour it into a bottle.
    4. We plug and let it rest for a few days before serving.

  • Saturday, December 21, 2013



    A dish that can be considered an appetizer, a snack or a meal, it is good both sweet and savory, it is a dish from Bari to all intents and purposes, despite being widespread in Apulia with different names.


    • 1/2 kg. flour
    • 1 cube yeast
    • water
    • salt
    •   oil for frying


      1. In a bowl combine the flour, crumbled yeast and a pinch of salt and mix it with warm water until the dough is very soft, almost liquid.
      2. Let rise for an hour, do not touch the dough otherwise it loses the leavening, you will get a very soft compound.
      3. In the meantime, put the frying oil on the fire to heat up in a pot high enough, so that our popizze sink almost completely.
      4. Aside from taking a saucepan with the water that will be used to moisten your fingers and a spoon.
      5. Take a little 'dough to cover about half spoon (follow an order in the cup, do not take a case if no collapses), and when the oil is hot, bathe your fingers and moving them in a circular motion on the spoon, try to get small balls that should end up in the oil sink for three quarters and fry.
      6. You will see that will swell, once golden, put them on a plate with paper towels to remove excess oil.
      7. Season with a little 'salt if you want salted, or rolled in sugar if you prefer sweet, in both cases, should be drunk hot.

    Thursday, December 19, 2013

    Octopus Salad Recipe


    • 1 kg of fresh octopus
    • parsley
    • lemon juice
    • olive oil
    • vinegar
    • garlic
    • salt
    • to taste
    • Instructions

      1. Clean up the octopus and depending on its size, fill a saucepan with water and a handful of salt and bring to a boil. The octopus must be completely covered by the liquid. As soon as bubbles, if we have not curled octopus, let's take for the belly and drain in boiling water. We have to lower it and get it out quickly three times. In this way you  will that the octopus will curl. After three times, drain in the water and let cook for about twenty minutes. However, we must take account of the greatness of our octopus. The water must be color red.
      2. Freshly cooked, the drain and let cool.
      3. Cut the octopus into small pieces and  with chopped parsley, lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, garlic and salt. We serve cold.

    Wednesday, December 18, 2013



    Christmas eve is a big day for us this when we celebrate the most  we do our gift giving  we celebrate the# birth of # Jesus; we only can eat fish that day because is a sacred day ; a 12 coarse meal the the 12 apostle


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    Fried cod

    The fried cod, is a popular main dish and tasted slightly in our entire peninsula. Its easy preparation is done simply desalination salt cod for at least 2 days, then dry it, flour it and fry in plenty of olive oil. The fried cod is a dish originally poor, very simple but extremely tasty and flavorful.


    • 500 gr. codfish
    • 4-6 tablespoons flour
    • oil for frying


    1. The desalted cod by rinsing well under running water and placing it in the big bowl for two days in cold water and changing the water at least twice a day.
    2. The past two days, the cod dry well and then cut it into pieces, breaded and place each hand in hand on a plate, then fry them in hot oil, keeping a low heat, fry a few at a time for at least 4 minutes per side, turning them often and keeping the pieces well spaced.
    3. Once cooked, remove from oil and place on paper towels to drain from the kitchen; serve still warm with a pinch of salt and a few drops lemon.


    Tuesday, December 17, 2013

    Glazed Lemon Ricotta Cake

    I've never baked with ricotta cheese...I don't know what took me so long to try it in my baking. 
    The picture of this cake  was just the incentive I needed to try it.
    I haven't made a cake this moist in a long time. It is absolutely delicious and was a huge hit at our family dinner last week. It's light, lemony and OH so moist!
    Since this was my first time using ricotta cheese, I followed the recipe exactly. After tasting this, there's absolutely nothing that I would's perfect as is. The Lemon Glaze did give me a little bit of a fit though-the lemon juice wasn't enough liquid with the powdered sugar to make a glaze, so I just added 1 more tablespoon of lemon juice and a little water until it was the consistency that I wanted.
    I would be very curious to see what this cake would be like with blueberries or raspberries folded into the batter....
    Lemon Glazed Ricotta Cake Ricotta Cake:
    1 ½ sticks unsalted butter, softened
    15 ounces whole milk ricotta
    1 ½ cups sugar
    3 eggs
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    Zest and Juice of 1 large lemon
    1 ½ cup all purpose flour
    2 ½ teaspoons baking powder
    ½ teaspoon baking soda
    1 teaspoon salt
    Lemon Glaze:
    2 cups powdered sugar
    3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour a Bundt cake pan and set aside.
    In a large mixer bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until well combined. Add the ricotta and blend until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Mix in the eggs one at a time, incorporating well. Add the vanilla, lemon juice/zest and mix until fully combined.
    Sift together the flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Add the dry ingredients in 2 increments, mixing just until incorporated. Pour into the prepared pan and smooth our as needed. Bake 35-40 minutes, or until the cake is set and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
    Let cool in the pan for at least 15 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack. Whisk together the powdered sugar and lemon juice until smooth. Drizzle the lemon glaze over the top of the cake and serve.

    Monday, December 16, 2013

    Health and Beauty Affiliate Programs by

    Health and Beauty Affiliate Programs







    #XMAS JAMMIES - Merry Christmas from the Holderness Family!



    best recipe/ Almond cookies


    Italian Almond Cookies

    2 pounds almond paste

    1 cup all-purpose flour

    8 egg whites

    2 cups white sugar

    2 cups confectioners' sugar

    2 cups sliced almonds



    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets.
    2. In a large bowl, use your hands to mix together the almond paste, flour, egg whites, white sugar and confectioners' sugar until well blended. The mixture will be very sticky. Place the sliced almonds into a small bowl. Scoop out rounded teaspoonfuls of the dough and drop them into the almonds. Roll until completely coated. Place 2 inches apart onto the prepared cookie sheets.
    3. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until golden brown. Cool on cookie sheets for a few minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool

    Sunday, December 15, 2013

    egg plant


    1/ egg plant or two
    4 /eggs
    1/12 cup flour
    oil to fry
     salt , and pepper.

     peel egg plant soak in salt water the salt water takes the bitterness out of the  the egg plant
     beat eggs in a bowl you can add a little milk if you like( optional) it make it liter tasting.
    add a little salt & pepper to egg mix.
    drain eggplant, squeeze water out , put oil in pan heat, dip eggplant in flour than egg fry till lightly golden on both sides  put on wire rack with paper towel under, this way they don;t get soaked with oil ; and stay crispy.

    you can sprinkle with parmigiana cheese , if you like or add a little tomatoes sauce on top or just eat plain or can make grill panni with mozzarella cheese and hot or sweet peppers on a grill press or just eat like that with a salad

    Saturday, December 14, 2013

    Orecchiette with cauliflower and fried bread crumbs

    Many hate cauliflower due to unpleasant odor that emanates during cooking, but managing to win this little discomfort can taste a really tasty recipe. If we think that the cauliflower does very well then we could convince us to eat more often.


    • 1 green cauliflower midsiz
    • 400 gr. orecchiette
    • 5 anchovies
    • 1/4cup  extra virgin olive oil
    • 60 gr. stale bread (not hard)
    • salt to taste


    1. Detached from the core of the cauliflower florets from the bottom of the stem. Wash them thoroughly under running water and cut them so they are pretty tiny.
    2. Clean the anchovies and cut into small pieces.
    3. In a pot large enough Boil water with salt to taste, meanwhile, crushed with your hands the bread crumbs and set aside.
    4. When the water boils, dropped the cauliflower  and cook for 10 minutes, then fell in the same pot also the orecchiette and cook everything together.
    5. In a small saucepan, heat the oil until it starts to smoke, add the chopped anchovies (paying attention to drawings) and soon will be fried in oil also put the breadcrumbs and turn with a wooden spoon.
    6. Drain the  orecchiette and put them in a serving dish.
    7. As soon as the bread is browned and crisp pour the oil on the pasta mix well and serve.

    easy dinner serve with garlic bread and salad this is my husband favorite


    Friday, December 13, 2013

    Cartellate - Christmas cookies

    Typical Christmas sweet of Bari   

    2 Lbs - Flour
            1 3/4 Cups - Dry white wine
        1/2 Cup - Olive oil
        2 Cups - Vin Cotto (made from figs) or Honey Cinnamon powder
        Olive oil for frying

                  1) In a KitchenAid Stand Mixer bowl, add the olive oil and the wine and mix the two. Add the flour and continue to mix until the flour and the liquids are completely amalgamated and the dough is firm.
                                             2) Cut a handful of the dough and pass it thru the pasta roller set at 3 until you have a flat and long strip of dough about three inches wide and ten inches long. Lay the strip on a wood board and with a ravioli cutter cut it into strips one inch wide and ten inches long.
                                             3) Fold each strip every other inch and attach the strip to the remainder of the strip in a circle to form a rose.
                                              4) Fry all the Cartellate in olive oil until they are lightly golden.

                                             5) Heat the Vin Cotto in a pan and while the Vin Cotto is still warm, dip each Cartellata in the Vin Cotto until it is completely covered. Drain any excess juice and place in a platter for storage. Before serving add a sprinkle of cinnamon.
    If you do not have Vin Cotto, you can substitute it with honey.                        

    tips depends on flour your using   might need to add a little more wine  tiny bit to work dough or flour

    Thursday, December 12, 2013

    Christmas pastries

    Struffoli are the most typical Neapolitan pastries. Even in Bari, however, are certainly one of the most characteristic recipes of Christmas is that of Carnival. For those who still had never heard of struffoli, suffice to say that they are small balls of sweet dough, fried and then dipped in honey and decorated with colored tails.



    • 600 gr. flour
    • 4 whole eggs
    • 1 egg yolk
    • 2 tablespoons sugar
    • 80 gr. butter (or 25 gr. lard)
    • 1 cup limoncello (or rum)
    • grated rind of half a lemon
    • 1 pinch salt
    • frying oil to taste
    • 400 gr. honey (for seasoning)
    • colored tails to taste (for garnish)


    1. Place the flour on the work surface, knead it with eggs, butter, sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon, a glass of limoncello (or rum) and a little salt.
    2. Once the dough is smooth and supported, give it the shape of a ball and let rest half an hour.
    3. Then knead briefly and divide it into bullets as large as oranges, from which to draw, roll on floured surface, many rods thick finger, you will place 2in cut them without overlapping on a floured cloth.
    4. At the time of frying them, place them in a sieve and shake to remove excess flour.
    5. Fry a few at a time in hot oil: take them out puffy and golden, not particularly colorful. Depositateli Drain and dry on absorbent kitchen paper.
    6. Make a double boiler melt the honey in a pot large enough, take from heat and add fried struffoli, stirring gently until they are well soaked in honey.
    7. Pour about half of the colored tails and stir again.
    8. Then, take the platter, and arrange struffoli to form a volcano.
    9. Then, honey, still hot, take the other half of the colored tails and sprinkle above so as to obtain an aesthetically pleasing effect.
    10. When the honey will be solidified, served struffoli

    Wednesday, December 11, 2013

    best recipes/ a real delicacy panzerottata for bari

    One of the highest-rated dishes and kitchen envy of Bari, a real delicacy! In the rest of Italy called turnovers anything having a crescent shape, but the panzerotto is only Bari and Bari, don't confuse this with the calzone or the Neapolitan fried. Whether they are simple gatherings with family or friends, who are eve of religious holidays or any other occasion, the panzerottata for Bari is a "must".


    • 2 cups flour
    • 2 2/3 tsp yeast
    • 400 cups
    • 1.1/2 tbls salt
    • 600gr  mozzarella  (for filling)
    • I can   peeled tomatoes (for filling)
    • 100 gr. grated pecorino romano (for filling)
    • salt to taste (for filling)
    • pepper to taste (for filling)
    •    oil for frying



    1. Pour on the board in the flour, salt, crumbled yeast and warm water a little at a time working the dough until it will not be smooth and the consistency of pizza dough.
    2. Once you have finished kneading  form a ball in a bowl, covering it with a towel and a blanket and let it rise for 2 hours until it has doubled in volume.
    3. While the dough is rising prepare the filling for the pazerrotte, shred the mozzarella small  and let it drain in a colander, in a bowl mix together the mozzarella, chopped peeled tomatoes, pecorino romano cheese, salt and pepper.
    4. When the dough is ready divide the dough into balls depending on the desired size and  floured cutting board arranging them on the board at a distance from one another.
    5. Roll out each ball with a rolling pin, giving it a round shape 
    6. We heat in a large skillet, preferably large, oil for frying.
    7. We have at its center a large spoonful of filling,  panzerotto forming a crescent and seal it for good edge applying pressure with your fingers, then fall back on the edge of panzerotto inward and  pressing with the tines of a fork to prevent the stuffed escape during cooking.
    8. We soak  in hot oil and fry few at a time for 4-5 minutes per side, turning them often and keep them well spaced.
    9. When cooked, when they reached a nice golden color,  drain on paper towels.
    10. We serve hot

    Calzone meat


    • 400 gr. flour (for kneading)
    • 2.3/4 teasp yeast (for dough)
    • 1/2 tablespoon salt (for dough)
    • 200 cup  water (for dough)
    • 500 gr. mixed minced meat (beef and pork) (for filling)
    • 500 gr. mozzarella (for filling)
    • 2 eggs (for filling)
    • 100 gr. grated pecorino romano (for filling)
    • salt to taste (for filling)
    • pepper to taste (for filling)
    • 250 cup.   oil
    Calzone meat


    1. Pour on the board in the flour, salt, crumbled yeast and warm water a little at a time working the dough until it will not be smooth and the consistency of pizza dough.
    2. Once you have finished kneading  form a ball in a bowl, covering it with a towel and a blanket and let it rise for 2 hours until it has doubled in volume.
    3. While the dough is rising prepare the filling for a calzone, we open the eggs into a bowl and stir with a whisk or a fork, adding a little salt and some grated pecorino cheese.
    4. We have 50 cl of oil in a frying pan and when hot add the chopped meat that'll fry over high heat until it is consumed the water lost from the meat.
    5. Reduce the heat to low and pour the beaten eggs into the pan with the meat and turn quickly with a wooden spoon until the eggs are not slightly curdled, and then turn off the fire.
    6. Cut the mozzarella into cubes and when the meat has cooled we mix everything together adding the remaining grated pecorino and pepper to taste.
    7. Take the leavened dough and  spread little more than half creating a disk larger than the pan in which cooks the calzone.
    8. Abundantly anoint with oil the pan and fill the disc of dough, fill it evenly with the meat mixture and close the calzone with another disk that will get the remaining dough.
    9. Finally with a fork puncher  the surface to ensure that does not swell during cooking.
    10. Anoint abundantly the surface of the calzone with oil and put in the oven already heated to 200 ° C for about 40-45 minutes (depending on the type of oven you have)
    11. The calzone will be ready when you acquire a nice golden color.
    12. When we remove the pan from the oven cover with a towel for about 15 minutes to make sure that the surface of the calzone is softened by steam and not too hard and dry.

    easy italian christmas cookies

    Easy Christmas cookies
     this a traditional cookie for our home tow week MAKE THIS EVERY YEAR AT CHRISTMAS IT NOT CHRISTMAS WITHOUT THEM

    The castagnelle are a typical Christmas sweet of Bari. The name of the recipe is not associated with the presence of chestnuts in the ingredients, are cookies made with almonds and cocoa. The recipes are different according to the tradition handed down from mother to daughter, but with this basic recipe you will get the great treats that will delight your table in the holiday season.

    500 gr.  almonds
  • <
  • 500 gr. Sugar
  • 150 gr.  coco powder 
  • 8/expresso cups of bitter coffe



    1. Peel the almonds and toast them (place them on a baking sheet so as to form a single layer without overlapping them and put them in the oven at 140 degrees for 8-10 minutes turning them occasionally to ensure even roasting).
    2. Chop the almonds coarsely and place in a bowl add the flour, sugar and cocoa.
    3. Pour all the ingredients on a work surface and knead well by adding little by little coffee (or milk as variant) until you get a smooth dough.
    4. Picked up pieces of the dough and form sausages 3-4 cm in diameter, slightly crush them with your hands and cut diagonally so many trunks (alternatively you can use a rolling pin and roll out the dough to a thickness of 1.5 cm and cut chessboard with a knife).
    5. Arrange the castagnelle on baking tray covered with baking paper and put them to cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
    6. Wait for it to cool and sprinkle the castagnelle with icing sugar.
    7. Keep them in a hermetically sealed housing and will be good for the duration of the holidays.

    Tuesday, December 10, 2013

    bests recipes

    HOME made CHICKEN soup

    8 /cups of water

    1/whole onion with skin on / leave skin on it give nice golden color to your soup
    1/ whole carrot
    1/ celery stalk/ or 1/tsp parsley
    1/ potato with skin on / again wash potato/ skin gives soup a nice color
    1/lb chicken backs / or bones they give lots of flavor/ but you can use any pieces of chicken
    2/ bullion cubes or/ 2/tbs soup powder mix
    1/clove of garlic/ or tsp garlic paste
    squeeze of lemon

    salt and pepper to taste

    bring to a high boil for 1/2 hr/
    then simmer for 1/1/2 hrs

    drain in a another pan
     discard bones, onions,celery chicken , in a blender put carrot take skin off  potatoes with some soup liquid blend. .put back in broth. chop chicken meat , put in broth .add ant type of noodle you like,

    tips ,/you can beat 1 egg , stir it in to soup if you like to

    Monday, December 9, 2013

    Christmas cookies

    Italian Christmas Cookies

    • 6 eggs
    • 5 cups all purpose flour
    • 2 cups confectioner's sugar
    • 2 tablespoons plus 1-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1 cup shortening
    • 3 teaspoons almond extract
    • 1-1/2 teaspoons lemon extract
    • Glaze
    • 3-3/4 cups confectioner's sugar
    • 1/2 cup warm milk
    • 1 teaspoon almond extract
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • colored sprinkles

    Using a heavy-duty mixer, beat eggs on high speed until light and foamy, about 5 minutes; set aside in a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, confectioners' sugar and baking powder; on low speed, gradually beat in shortening and extracts until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Gradually add beaten eggs (dough will be stiff).Roll dough into 1-inch balls. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 350 for 12-14 minutes (tops of the cookies will not brown, but bottoms should brown slightly).Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the confectioner's sugar, milk and extracts until smooth. As soon as cookies are removed from the oven, quickly dip two or three at a time into glaze. . Place on wire racks to drain. Immediately top with sprinkles. dry for 24 hours before storing in airtight containers.

    makes 7DOZEN