
Saturday, December 21, 2013



A dish that can be considered an appetizer, a snack or a meal, it is good both sweet and savory, it is a dish from Bari to all intents and purposes, despite being widespread in Apulia with different names.


  • 1/2 kg. flour
  • 1 cube yeast
  • water
  • salt
  •   oil for frying


    1. In a bowl combine the flour, crumbled yeast and a pinch of salt and mix it with warm water until the dough is very soft, almost liquid.
    2. Let rise for an hour, do not touch the dough otherwise it loses the leavening, you will get a very soft compound.
    3. In the meantime, put the frying oil on the fire to heat up in a pot high enough, so that our popizze sink almost completely.
    4. Aside from taking a saucepan with the water that will be used to moisten your fingers and a spoon.
    5. Take a little 'dough to cover about half spoon (follow an order in the cup, do not take a case if no collapses), and when the oil is hot, bathe your fingers and moving them in a circular motion on the spoon, try to get small balls that should end up in the oil sink for three quarters and fry.
    6. You will see that will swell, once golden, put them on a plate with paper towels to remove excess oil.
    7. Season with a little 'salt if you want salted, or rolled in sugar if you prefer sweet, in both cases, should be drunk hot.

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